
vacation home agency - Marita Oppermann

laatste Update: Wuppertal, 16.05.2017

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Cost of Buying a House in NL

In this worked sample we show the approximately Costs of Buying a House in Holland.
sales price 50.000,00 Euro
thereof furnishings 5.000,00 Euro
Cost of the real estate 45.000,00 Euro
basics for conveyance duty calculations of 2 % 700 Euro
sales price real estate 45.000,00 Euro
fee notary for demises 500,00 Euro
entry in the land register 105,00 Euro
fee notary for inquiries in the land register 49,00 Euro
conveyance duty 2 % 700,00 Euro
21 % vat for fee notary amounting to 549,00 115,29 Euro
Total 46.469,29 Euro
translationcost and others vat ??,00 Euro

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